2022 年合肥装饰公司一览表
公司名称 | 报价明细表 | 报价是否包含所有项目
||合肥佳艺装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 是,包含所有必要项目
合肥好美家装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 是,包含所有必要项目
合肥尚品装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 是,包含所有必要项目
合肥名仕装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 否,不包含窗帘、灯具等软装部分
合肥天安装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 是,包含所有必要项目
合肥东方家园装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 是,包含所有必要项目
合肥盛世豪庭装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 否,不包含家具、家电等
合肥万科装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 是,包含所有必要项目
合肥龙湖装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 是,包含所有必要项目
合肥保利装饰 | [报价明细表]() | 否,不包含定制家具、灯光设计等
注意: 以上报价仅供参考,实际价格可能因项目具体情况而有所不同。

[Instructions] Complete the dialogue.
Greta: Do you have plans for the weekend?
Ben: I do, actually. I'm planning on going for a hike with some friends.
Greta: That sounds like fun! Where are you going?
Ben: We're going to a trail near the mountains. It's supposed to be really scenic.
Greta: Oh, that sounds lovely. I'd love to join you if you don't mind.
Ben: Of course, I don't mind! The more the merrier.
Greta: Great! I'll bring some snacks and drinks.
Ben: That would be fantastic. I'll bring the first aid kit and some extra water.
Greta: Perfect! See you on Saturday morning then?
Ben: Yep, see you then!